5 common threats to OT environments

Since the dawn of modern industry, operational technologies (OT) have played an important role in infrastructure management, regardless of the industry. Different from information technology (IT), OT encompasses the software and hardware that monitor and control physical devices and processes, two highly critical aspects of industrial operations.

However, with the integration of digital technologies into OT environments, cyber threats are becoming ever greater. Indeed, the convergence of OTs with IT exposes these systems to cyberthreats, leading to significant risks to operational continuity, security and data integrity.

In this article, we’ll cover 5 common threats to OT environments. From malware and ransomware attacks to physical security breaches, understanding these cyber threats is crucial to keeping industrial operations secure.

Malware and ransomware attacks

Malware attacks and ransomware remain the most popular cyberattacks. According to the NCC Group’s annual report, the infiltration of a system via malware or the demand for money under high-impact threats increased by 84% in 2023 [1]. The report also indicates that North America and the industrial sector remain the main targets for this type of attack.

In the case of operational technologies, this kind of attack can lead to serious problems, since in exchange for ransom, the cyber-attacker can threaten to lock down or shut down systems. This is highly inadvisable for a hospital, for example.

Supply chain vulnerability

Supply chain interconnectivity in industrial environments is another element vulnerable to TO security. Increasingly, cyber-attackers are targeting a weak link in the supply chain to gain access to a company’s IT or TO.

Typically, supply chains are built with components and software from third-party suppliers or vendors. If these items have vulnerabilities, it’s easy for a cyber-attacker to infiltrate the company’s IT or TO environment via these loopholes.

Obsolete systems

Many operational technologies still rely on outdated systems that were not designed with security in mind. These outdated systems are a very good entry point for attackers, since there is no protection on the device, making them highly vulnerable.

According to an article published in Forbes in September 2022, many U.S. government agency systems have been in place for 8 to 51 years and do not interact with other technology solutions [2]. Updating these systems becomes arduous and costly, restricting organizations from doing so; all, giving easy access to the systems for attackers.

No network segmentation

We often see a lack of network segmentation, which leaves the entire network vulnerable in the event of a cyber attack. The lack of TO network segmentation by the corporate IT network allows attackers to navigate laterally through the organization’s infrastructure when they have access. 

Compartmentalizing the network prevents a cyber-attacker from accessing the entire network, as he will face a wall at some point [3].

Physical security vulnerabilities

OTs are also vulnerable to physical security breaches. Unauthorized access to control rooms or industrial facilities can lead to theft of sensitive information or manipulation of critical infrastructure components.

These vulnerabilities can also give access to the company’s entire network, resulting in far greater damage.

In conclusion, the convergence of IT and TO creates both opportunities and challenges for organizations. By understanding these different TO security threats, organizations are able to create a solid defense against potential cyberattacks. Of course, constant adaptation is required to cope with the various changes in these evolving threats.

At CyberS.T.O.R.M., we can help you deal with these constantly evolving threats. Whether you need complete support or simply training for your teams, our team will help you realize your operational technology cybersecurity projects.

Contact us for more information!


[1] https://www.nccgroup.com/us/newsroom/annual-ransomware-attacks-increased-by-84-in-2023/#:~:text=February%202024%20%E2%80%93%20NCC%20Group’s%20Annual,the%20previous%20year%20in%202022

[2] https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/09/23/how-technology-can-mitigate-cybersecurity-risks-to-infrastructure/?sh=1b1cf4e02344

[3] https://verveindustrial.com/resources/whitepaper/network-segmentation-in-ot-environments/#:~:text=OT%20Network%20segmentation%20is%20a,protecting%20your%20most%20critical%20assets